
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Roller Coaster Surrender

I was reminded of this post from sometime back....

Listening to Kim Walker's song "I Surrender" this morning made me think about the word surrender.  You can find in the dictionary words like 'to give up possession', 'to yield', or 'to resign'.  However in God when we surrender we can look at the antonyms of surrender, we can 'withstand and stand firm' in Him.  We surrender, stand firm into His Grace and Love, we surrender into His blessings, we surrender into His peace and strength!  As we stand in line for the roller coaster we have that moment of hesitation as we know that we will allow the ride to take over and we give up in twists and turns.  We just take that breath, lift our hands, close our eyes and enjoy the ride with a huge smile.  How much more in God can we ride the roller coaster of surrender? We can lift our hands, close our eyes and enjoy life!

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