
Friday, January 11, 2013


One day I would like to present a book I wrote.  I do not in anyway consider myself a writer or have a story that is rolling around in my head.  It is a thought I have had now for many years.  It is a thought that I entertain a few days through out the year. Well I ever write this book? I do not know.

Something about not dismissing this idea completely from life is that every time I entertain it, a little bit of hope rises up. Maybe it is not just a thought but a dream from deep down inside.  You know that area that you wish quietly and almost secretly?  Dreams tucked in our heart that we keep sacred because it actually shows something personal about us.

Why do we shy away from showing our selves to people? Many reasons but  for today I am sharing that I want to write a book one day.

What do you have rolling around in your heart?

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