This week I am touched to have Rachel Witt answer Mommy
Confession questions. I met Rachel my first year at Texas Bible Institute while
she was an RA in her second year. I was
one of the older students so having leaders younger then me was a challenge but
Rachel was amongst the few young leaders that I looked up to and I still
do. We served together my first summer for Discovery Camp where she not only worked in the events department she assisted in the worship team.
After her time at TBI, she followed
her call towards mission and traveled to China and Africa. She met her husband, Jerry Witt during a missions
trip to Durango where now they reside and work with the indigenous tribes. Rachel
has four kids under the age of 6, I
though having three kids back to back was something but Rachel has four!
Admirable for sure…I enjoyed her response and think you will too.
Are you a
Scheduled or Non-Scheduled Mom? What are the benefits and downfalls to your
choice? I would say I am in between. I love to organize and plan,
but being a mom of 4 and one of those completely breast feeding right now, I
have to be very flexible. The benefit to me of not being “too” scheduled is
that is has taught me to be less stressful. It has taught me to roll with the
punches and it will all play out.
What is
your biggest Mommy Pet-Peeve? The kids messing up whatever I just cleaned (luckily they are
getting old enough to learn to clean up the way I like it)
funniest/most embarrassing “Mom/Child’ moment? My oldest is 6...she told her dad, I am going to talk to Asha
(her grandma) only in Spanish today. Dad told her that was great. She said,
yeah, I don't want to be weird like mommy! (we live in Mexico, so I guess I am
considered weird for not speaking Spanish completely fluent) hah
Given the
opportunity, what- if anything- would you do differently as a Mom? I would have started my older ones (6&5) out earlier with
learning...sounds, numbers, etc. I just didn't know then of where to start. If
you just have some resources it really is simple.
Do you
have a secret “Mommy Confession”- something that you did/do that you are
willing to share? I am not good at keeping my kids teeth brushed!!! I really
need to step that up. haha
Cloth or Disposable Diapers? Disposable diapers
Did the
way you were parented shape that way that you parent your own children? Definitely so! I am blessed to have had wonderful
mom is the best person I have ever seen with children. It is her life. I can't
imagine what kind of mom I would be without learning from my mom and dad.
What are
your “non-negotiables” when it comes to your kids? I guess it would just be with discipline. They will continue
to be put in the corner, or get spanked until they obey (dad is even better at
this than I am)
What was
your biggest fear when you found out you were going to be a Mom? For me it was the whole birthing process. Other than
that my children would be the unruly ones that no one wants to be around. haha
Did you
breastfeed- why/why not? Did you feel pressure to/not to? Yep, breastfed the 3 girls and am breastfeeding baby boy now.
I think it is the best thing for baby. Plus, I HATE washing and boiling
bottles! haha. I think it is definitely becoming a pressure in society now, as
are many, many things about parenthood. Every parent is in a different
situation. Our families are our own little cultures. I believe we should take
advice, learn from others, but in the end it comes down to what works best in
your family. Way too much mommy competition out there right now in my opinion.
Do you have a funny “labor” moment? Yes. I have had 4 c-sections. On the third I was determined
to come out the other side as modest as possible. I was tired of people seeing
me naked. So, when it was time to take a shower, I decided I would do it on my
own. My husband was gone, my mom went out to walk and I was alone. As I got in
the shower I was getting extremely lightheaded and starting to pass out. I
yelled out in Spanish for someone to help me and here came the first nurse.
Then she sent for another nurse to bring alcohol, then that one sent for the
doctor, and on it went. By the time it was said and done, there were about 4
nurses and my doctor looking at me naked and carrying me to my bed. Epic

What is
your “secret” addiction or obsession? Well, when all the family is in bed and I just want to sit
down and chill, I like to watch anything Kardashian (hey, I am in Mexico and
the shows that come out in English are limited and I don't like watching in
Spanish when I want to relax....hehe) and when I allow myself, the guilty
pleasure of ice cream, chocolate syrup and peanut butter!