
Friday, September 2, 2011

Opposites within

There is the assurance that I have in me that I know that God can and will do anything in our lives.  I trust in that fact as I have seen Him do great things.  Even in that assurance though I find myself a bit concerned because we still have to walk through situations.  In walking through a current situation in my life right now I am learning I have this assurance yet I am concerned.

What am I suppose to do with these two opposites inside me? I know that I should not be double minded. So the best thing I have at hand is to confess God's Word out loud over and over.  Of the two opposites within me I want the assurance in God to rule over the other.  I must remind myself that God's Word does not return void!

What does His Word say? Let's start with Romans 10:8
 The word that saves is right here, as near as the tongue in your mouth, as close as the heart in your chest. It's the word of faith that welcomes God to go to work and set things right for us.
I am not sure what you may be going through but God is there to go to work and set things right for us! So yes we may have opposites in us but let the word of God, the assurance we have in Him dominate any concern, fear, lack, that is rumbling inside. Grab unto a scripture and speak.  Were not just traveling with Jesus and sight seeing the miracles He has done for others.  We are following Him, participating in His doings for our life.  This may seem all repeat for you but I needed to remind myself that He, Jesus the one that I follow, is greater in me then the opposite even stirring within.

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