In these past couple of weeks as I have been thinking about my blog and the direction I want it go I have had time to reflect. In these reflections I have thought of several new posts I wanted share yet have not had the time to sit at my laptop to do so. One thing that is consistent with my posts is it comes down to family.
Family is a wonderful part of my every day that it overtakes everything that I am. Despite any downs and annoyances within our dynamic family the highs we experience coming out winning so strong. In writing advice for my 18 year old self I would say to continue to cherish the family I have. My favorite part of being in my family is the laughter we have when we are together. So many times that laughter continues days later as I chuckle to myself lost in thought on our crazy conversations. Just tonight as we were at the grocery store picking up mundane items I saw my life complete within in the love I have for each member of my family. Reflections are good and with this being the end of a year I know that my next year will not only be blessed but will already be covered with love thanks to my family! What more could I ask for year after year?